With spooky season coming up, there's no better time to start planning your Halloween costume for this year. However, dressing up usually means face paint, colored contact lenses, and other potential eye-damaging additions that can permanently ruin this spooktacular holiday for years to come. As you get creative with your imagination for your Halloween costume this year, here are the things to keep in mind to keep your eyes happy and healthy.
- Avoiding eye injuries from costumes
- Halloween make-up and eye irritations
- Avoid costumes that restrict your vision
- Wearing glasses on Halloween
- Dangerous costume accessories and props
Avoiding Halloween Costume Eye Injuries
Wearing an eye patch and dressing up like a pirate? Cool. Wearing an eye patch because your Halloween costume caused eye damage and needs time to heal? Not cool. Halloween costumes come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. When choosing your costume, think about any additions that can accidentally poke you in the eye, including feathers, wires, or other sharp items. If possible, find alternatives to these items by searching the internet for ideas.
Another concern is costumes that contain glitter. Glitter from costumes, especially from accessories that cover your head or hair, can easily fall into your eyes and cause significant damage. If your costume features glitter, make sure to securely attach it before wearing it. Consider using a clear adhesive to seal the glitter onto your costume if you're able to.
Damage directly from costumes is the primary concern, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission also cautions people on wearing costumes that are flame resistant. Passing by candles, pumpkins with an open flame, heaters, or even exposed light bulbs can also ignite a costume. If you plan on making your costume at home, choose flame-resistant fabrics such as nylon or polyester. Another concern for the flammability of costumes involves the use of hairspray. This beauty product is incredibly flammable and should be used carefully if you plan to be around open flames.
Dangerous Halloween Make-up for Eyes
Make-up is potentially one of the most dangerous aspects of Halloween costumes when it comes to your eyes. Eye make-up and other face paints can cause significant damage if you do not use them correctly, especially if they're not made for application to your skin. Here are the most important things to consider when selecting Halloween face paint or make-up:
- Choose products that are hypoallergenic and have received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although you may not think you're allergic to any ingredients, it's always better to utilize make-up that is designated hypoallergenic. It's also important to check the ingredients of the make-up you intend to purchase against the list of color additives approved by the FDA.
- Test the face paint or make-up that you purchase somewhere inconspicuous a few days before to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction. Even if it's a brand that you've purchased before, you never know if a brand has changed its formula or you've developed an allergy you're not aware of. Testing out a small patch of face paint on your arm or leg can help prevent breakouts and allergic reactions, especially on your face.
- Don't apply make-up or face paint too close to your eyes. Most manufacturers don't create face paint to be applied close to your eyes because the paint can flake or run, causing it to enter your eyes and creating pain and discomfort.
- Remove your make-up when you get home by following the directions the manufacturers provide. Sleeping in Halloween make-up can be dangerous for your face and eyes. Make-up can clog pores and even flake off and accidentally enter your eyes while you're sleeping if not removed properly.
- If you're using false eyelashes, we recommend making an appointment with a licensed cosmetologist to have them applied. Applying too much glue, applying eyelashes or glue with an unsteady hand, or failing to use the correct products can lead to a doctor or emergency room trip.
Wearing Halloween Masks
Masks and other face coverings are all the rage on Halloween. Whether you're adding sunglasses, a hat, or a full mask, it's essential to avoid becoming a Halloween horror story. Celebrating Halloween can mean going trick-or-treating, attending a costume party, or spending time at a fall festival. If you choose a costume or accessory that covers your face or impairs your vision, you increase your risk of falling or bumping into people or other objects.
Costumes that block vision, such as face masks, eye patches, and some wigs can be dangerous for children and adults. If you choose any of these costumes or accessories, be sure to pay close attention to where you're walking when out and about. Many masks can also distort your depth perception, leading you to believe that objects are closer or further away than they are.
Adults should always remove their masks or any accessories that could impair their vision before operating a vehicle. The ability to use your peripheral vision is essential when driving. Many masks partially or fully obstruct your side vision, preventing you from operating a motor vehicle safely.
For children, costumes that block or distort their vision is especially dangerous if trick-or-treating near a road. Children may not fully comprehend the dangers of cars or other safety concerns and the role that their vision plays in staying safe. Masks and other accessories can block them from looking both ways when crossing the street or increasing their chances of tripping over something while walking down the sidewalk.
Many communities also recommend bringing along a flashlight to help illuminate sidewalks or other paths when out trick-or-treating. Dimly lit areas can increase the risk of falling or stumbling, leading to the potential for injuries. It's also recommended to add reflective tape and light colors, especially in the dark, when passing vehicles' visibility may be decreased.
Wearing Glasses on Halloween
You've found the perfect outfit, purchased your face paint, and RSVP'd to a neighbor's backyard costume party. But when you try on your costume for the first time, it doesn't fit with your glasses. This experience can be frustrating, but there are tons of ways to solve your Halloween glasses dilemma. Here's how to pair your glasses with your Halloween costume:
- Rock your glasses regardless. Who said a ninja couldn't wear glasses? Just because you don't usually see a character with glasses doesn't mean wearing them isn't going to make you look cool.
- Choose a costume for a character with glasses. There are so many amazing costumes that incorporate glasses that we can't keep track of. Whether you want to be Dwight Schrute from The Office, Mrs. Doubtfire, Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers, or Alexei from Stranger Things, you're guaranteed to find a costume that fits your style and accents your killer frames.
- Ask your doctor about contact lenses. If wearing glasses is a big deal for you this Halloween, ask your doctor about trying out contacts. There are dozens of styles to choose from, including some that can even add a theatrical element to your Halloween costume. We even have some Halloween-specific tips for contact lens safety!
- Don't go without your glasses. Although it may seem like a good idea at the time, your eye doctor prescribed corrective eyeglasses for a reason. Going out without your glasses can lead to headaches, accidents, and even injuries if you're unable to see clearly.
Dangerous Halloween Costume Props
In addition to ensuring your costume, face paint, and other accessories aren't posing a risk to your eyes, it's also essential to consider the dangers of any props. Good pirates always carry a sword, and what wizard is complete without a wand? Although these props may feel necessary to convey your character correctly, you should always examine props for the injury risks that they pose.
As opposed to adults, children are at a much higher risk of accidental injury from a prop during the Halloween season. When selecting props for your child's Halloween costume, ensure that each piece is age-appropriate and doesn't pose an increased risk of bodily injury to your child or that of other children. Swords, sticks, wands, instruments, claws, and wings are just a few of the accessories that can accidentally turn a fun and happy evening into a trip to the nearest urgent care center. Remind children that they should use props carefully and be aware of their surroundings — especially when demonstrating the prop's purpose. When in doubt, leave it at home.
At WebEyeCare, helping our customers find the best solutions for their vision needs is our number one priority. Whether you're a student in need of mild corrective lenses with a blue light blocker or you have worn glasses for years but are transitioning to contact lenses, WebEyeCare can help you save time and money on your prescription lenses. Our website carries 100% authentic contact lenses direct from the manufacturer and glasses frames from all your favorite brands. When it comes to taking care of your eyes this Halloween and beyond, trust the staff at WebEyeCare.