Apr 12th 2023

Home Eye Safety Month

Home Eye Safety Month

Homeowners may not realize the vision dangers around their home. One study found that almost half of the 2.5 million eye injuries each year in the US occur in and around the home. Most injuries occur when doing simple household tasks like cleaning, yard work, or cooking. Making your home safe from potential eye injury is easy by following these tips that will help keep your family’s eyes protected.

Eye Safety When While Cooking

Professional chef sautéing on an open stove with an open flame in pan

The kitchen is known for being one of the most dangerous spaces in the home, particularly for children. Appliances, sharp objects, and heat are just some of the things we associate with kitchen injury risk. But your kitchen can also be dangerous for your eyes if you are not careful.

Cooking Oil
Cooking oil can splatter causing significant eye injury. Always use a shield or guard when cooking with oil and avoid mixing with water.

Sharp Objects
Always carry knives and scissors in protectors when moving them around the kitchen. Never leave them sitting on a ledge where they might fall and injury little eyes.

Avoid Touching Your Eyes
Touching foods like hot peppers and onions can leave a residue on your hands. Rubbing the eyes with unwashed hands can lead to serious pain and burning.

Remember to always wash your hands in between kitchen activities and never try to cook while distracted. This will allow you to concentrate on your kitchen tasks and reduce the risk of eye injury.

Eye Safety In The Garden

Older woman gardening outside wearing eyeglasses and gloves

Keeping the exterior of the home not only makes it look great but adds curb appeal and value to your home. Tasks such as mowing the lawn, trimming shrubs, and spraying for pesticides are just some of the regular yard chores we do each year without much thought to eye safety. Yet, yard work is one of the leading causes of eye injuries in the home.

Mowing The Lawn
Always wear protective eyewear when mowing the lawn or using power trimmers. A lawnmower can scatter debris for several feet causing serious eye injury to someone who doesn’t have eye protection.

Turn Off Power Tools
Never leave power tools running when unattended. It is advisable to turn off power tools even if you stop to chat with a bystander. This allows you to focus your attention completely on your task and avoid injury to people or pets.

Wear Goggles When Handling Chemicals
You like to keep your lawn looking green and lush. This may be achieved using fertilizers or pesticides. These chemicals can cause significant burns and even blindness. Wearing goggles will reduce the risk of eye injury and protect your eyes from splashing and chemical fumes.

Always Follow Instructions
Whether you are handling chemicals or using a new power tool, always follow the instructions. These guidelines will help you use your products effectively and safely, reducing the risk of eye injury.

Eye Safety When Cleaning

No one enjoys doing housework. Not only does it interfere with doing your favorite activities, but it is also a significant source of eye injuries in the home. Cleaners in particular are one of the leading contributors to eye injuries. So how can you make doing housework easier on your eyes?

Never Mix Chemicals
Household cleaners are often made from harsh chemicals, bleaches, and detergents. Mixing these chemical agents can create negative reactions that can lead to vapors and fumes that can damage your vision and lungs. Always follow the labels on cleaning products and never mix chemicals.

Wear Goggles
Cleaners can release harsh vapors into the air when using them. They can also accidentally splash your eyes causing burning, irritation, and blindness. This risk can be reduced by wearing goggles. Your local hardware store will have goggles suitable for use with chemicals.

Clean In Well Ventilated Areas
Chemicals in cleaners can cause odors, vapors, and fumes to form in the air. Sometimes these fumes do not have a taste or smell. Always use cleaners in well-ventilated spaces. Open windows and turn on exhaust fans to increase airflow.

Wash Hands
Always wash your hands after using any cleaning product. This will avoid the product from coming in contact with your eyes if you rub or touch them.

Computer and Digital Device Eye Health

Close up of man wearing black full rim eyeglasses at a computer screen

We are spending more time in front of digital devices than ever before. That’s why it is important to make sure you are taking regular breaks and protecting your eyes from digital eye strain.

What is Digital Eye Strain
When working on an important document or project, you may find yourself spending hours in front of a computer screen. This can lead to dry eye, eye strain, redness of the eyes, and trouble focusing. These symptoms are known as digital eye strain. Though it may not be possible to stop using your digital devices altogether, there are a few simple tricks you can use to improve comfort.

20-20-20 Rules
Take a break from your screen every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, by gazing 20 feet away. Giving yourself a few moments to look away from the screen will improve your overall comfort level and reduce the chances of developing digital eye strain.

When was the last time you blinked? Blinking frequently can help avoid dry eyes and keep your eyes lubricated..

Computer Brightness and Contrast
Adjust the brightness and contrast of your computer to suit your workspace. This will avoid unnecessary eye strain and allow your eyes to view the screen in better comfort.

Recreational Activity Eye Safety

There is nothing more fun than getting outdoors, but many recreational activities can lead to eye injuries. Sports, sunshine, and fireworks are among the leading causes of eye injuries while outdoors. No matter what activity you are doing outside, make sure your eyes are adequately protected.

Wear Protective Eyewear In Water
Swimming is a great way to cool off on a hot day. It is also one of the most effective ways to keep fit. Whether you choose to swim in a pool or a lake by the cottage, it is important to keep your eyes protected with swim goggles. Chemicals in pools such as chlorine can irritate and burn eyes and increase your risk of contracting pink eye. Freshwater such as lakes and rivers can also cause eye irritation. Bacteria can enter the eye causing infection and even blindness. Goggles offer exceptional protection against these unwanted guests. Remember to never wear contact lenses when swimming.

Keep A Safe Distance From Fireworks
Each year more than 10,000 Americans are injured while using fireworks. Remember to always follow the instructions on the package and keep a safe distance away after lighting them. Don’t forget hot embers and burning debris can fall from the sky after the fireworks have gone off, so keep children and pets well away.

Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses are your first line of protection against the sun’s harsh UV rays. Using a plano or prescription sunglasses can protect your eyes from damage while allowing you to enjoy your favorite outdoors actively. Sunglasses don’t just protect you from the sun’s glare, they can also protect you from serious eye health issues such as sunburns, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Polarized lenses offer added protection by reducing glare, allowing you to enjoy better clarity when doing sports such as biking, golfing, or fishing. Wear sunglasses that offer 100% protection against both UV and UVB rays for maximum protection

WebEyecare offers a large selection of sunglasses options that will help keep your eyes comfortable no matter what activity you are doing. Check out our great deals on all eyewear and contact lenses.

Sarah McGoldrick
Sarah McGoldrick

Sarah McGoldrick is an award winning Toronto-based writer. She is the web editor of Living Luxe Magazine and a contributing editor to Vision Monday Magazine. She specializes in business, health and lifestyle writing for both online and print. Her clients also include corporate, not-for-profit and the artistic organizations. Her work has been featured in many publications including Our Homes Magazine, Good Life Magazine, The Mississauga News, Brampton Guardian, TO Times, Optical Prism Magazine, Ontario Construction News and more.

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